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Creating and Using Tags

Tags are a great way to add business specific tracking and/or information to your quotes. They can be used as filters and advanced buttons

Kenzie avatar
Written by Kenzie
Updated over 2 years ago

Video Overview:

Setting up your Tags: 

Go to Settings > Quotes > Data

Enter Text to be used for Tag & Click Add

You will be prompted to select a color for your tag. 

  • You can enter a custom hex code if you prefer a custom color other than those provided

  • Changing the color of existing tags - Click on the tag, and you'll be shown the above prompt to edit the tag color. 

  • Text color - (A light or dark text is auto-selected by B2B Ninja based on the color you choose)

  • Delete a Tag - In this settings tab, click on the X next to the tag. NOTE: This will remove this tag from all existing quotes. 

Using Tags on a Quote

Simply click on the tag that you want activated on the quote. 

Inactivated tags:

Activated Tag:

An activated tag will highlight in the color you set for it during setup.

These tags will now show in the inbox view, and will allow you to run advanced filters based on tags active on a quote. 

To filter by Tag, click on Filter Quotes, and select the tag(s) you'd like to filter by:
*Note that if you select multiple tags only quotes with ALL those selected tags will be shown. 

Advanced Usage of Tags as Buttons when Combined with the B2B Ninja API

  • Note that this requires an enterprise-level subscription

  • We provide a hook for when a tag is activated and de-activated so all your tags can be used as custom buttons within QN to trigger certain workflows.

  • i.e.: A "Send to CRM"  tag can send specific quote data to your CRM, or a "Email to Territory 1 Rep" can send a specific email with data from the quote to a specific territory rep. 

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