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Quote Email Templates

Creating and updating your quote email templates

Kenzie avatar
Written by Kenzie
Updated over a week ago

Video Overview:

What are Email Templates? 

  • These control the look and feel of your quotes. 

  • They are built using HTML, and variables that output the data from your quote.

  • You can have as many quote templates as you need, but you generally only need 2 main templates. One with a checkout link, and one without. 

We find that the templates installed are dynamic enough that most customers rarely make edits to them. That said, we make it so that you can edit just about any element you'd like.

If you don't like the logo your store is showing, or some of the data isn't populating, the first things to edit are under the Template settings

Set your Default Subject Line: 

  • Navigate to Settings > Templates

  • This is the subject line used for all outbound quotes. 

  • Subject lines set at a template level will override this global subject line.

  • You can also edit the subject line on every quote before you send it in the Draft Quote view. 

  • Most of our variables can also be used to build a custom subject line.

By default this will  print the subject line with the word quote, and then the quote #.

  • ie:  Quote: QN5000

Updating your logo: 

  • We pull your stores logo from BC when you install the app. 

  • If you want to change the logo shown on your templates, you can upload a new one under Settings > Template

  • We suggest a smaller .png without a background. 

  • This will change the logo that is displayed on your templates using our {{=store.logo}} variable.

  • You can use external images / multiple logos on your quote templates, but would need to reference those images directly in your template files html. ie: <img src="">

Update Store Info and Address Variables:

  • These variables store default information about your company. 

  • Filling these in will auto-populate this info on our default quote templates. 

  • Note that on our default template, the Quote Conditions {{=store.conditions}} variable will print as the last bulleted item at the bottom of the quote. 

Where these variables are used on our default templates: 

Editing existing Templates

  • Click the pencil icon next to the template, or click Add Template to create a new template. 

  • Adding a new template will give you the current copy of our default template.

Template Name

  • This is the name that will show for selecting the template to be used. Your customer does not see this.

Product Table

  • The Product Tables control the output of your product data. 

  • The tables themselves are not editable by the customer, as they run advanced logic, and so are inserted into the template using the variable: {{=qn.product_table}}

  • You are able to select from our list of optional product tables that each have one or two key characteristics differentiating it from the other tables

  • ie: Some will show the discount, some will not. They might show a sku, or a product link. 

  • In general, most customers can find a product table that fits their need from our existing list. 

  • If there is a specific product detail you need in your product tables, or a design change, we do offer custom product tables for a fee. Contact us to discuss your use case. 

  • Most customers find that the default product tables on our default quote templates fit their needs. 

What is this, what's it control?

Alternate Subject

  • Checking this box will allow you to enter a subject line that is only used when this template is used. This subject overrides the global default subject.

Alternate BCC Email

  • Checking this box will allow you set template level BCC email(s). This is often most useful when you are trying to direct specific templates to a CRM.

Alternate PDF Template

  • Checking this will allow you to select an alternate pdf to be used at the outbound quote attachment. 

  • This requires that you have the "Render and Attach PDF" option selected on the quote. 

  • When drafting the quote, you will then be shown 2 template dropdowns.

  • The first dropdown controls the HTML generated for the email version of the quote, and the second dropdown defaults to this selection, and is what will be used as the outbound .pdf. You can change this selection on a quote by quote basis. 

Make Current default template

  • This will make this the default quote template that gets drafted when you click on "Draft Quote" in the quote view. There can only be one default template. 

Copy a template

  • You must first click edit on the template you want to copy, then can click the copy button in the bottom right corner. 

Copy Template ID - (Only needed when using the API) 

  • This is only needed when building automations using our API, and a specific template ID is required. 

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